I have a couple good stories for the week. Friday night, to celebrate AJ getting bumped to the advanced reading group at school, we took the kids to Wal-Mart to pick a toy. We also decided it would be a good time for them to get to spend some of their allowance. Our kids have a really hard time picking up after themselves, so we instituted allowance as a reward based incentive verses punishment, which hasn’t been very effective. Anyway, I felt horrible for the people in line behind us because we took forever helping them count out their money to give to the clerk. On the way out, a man actually approached us and asked if we were doing okay financially because he saw us counting change. When we explained that we were trying to reward our children as well as teach them about money, he was actually pretty impressed. It’s nice to know there are still nice people in the world.
We painted Natalie’s bedroom this weekend. It was a bigger project than we anticipated, but I’m happy with the results. And unlike some of our other projects, it’s completely DONE!
Today, I got a call from Natalie’s teacher in Primary. She said they were talking about the Holy Ghost, and she was whispering the lesson for effect. They explained that you can have the Holy Ghost with you all the time when you are 8 years old. Natalie got a really worried look on her face and said, “I don’t want that when I’m 8. I’m afraid of ghostesses.”
We have to be careful what we say around our kids. AJ got out my Twilight DVD and was watching the bonus features. Natalie walked in the room and asked, “Why are you watching the extra crap?” She’s also taken to expressions like, “Oh, snap!” which are hilarious in her little voice. It’s a good thing Joe and I only para-swear.
Despite the rain and 40 degree weather, Joe and a friend shot 18 holes of golf at the nice golf course yesterday. His friend does business with the pro shop, so they let him golf for free and bring others along. Joe’s pretty excited thinking that he might get to go more often as long as he maintains that friendship.
Looks like you didn't trade Brooklin in for a brother. Must've been too late!
Honey it could be worse: Kids you can reason with and tell them that sometimes Mommy and Daddy don't make the best choices for words and that we'll all work on it together.
Parrots...turns out not so much. We have a Macaw who can talk beautifully. And he can even sing (well he thinks so anyway). But when visitors, especially Grandma Muhlestein come by, it's the one swear word he ever heard from Aunt Ginny: "sh&* bird". Oh joy. What you say when a Lovebird is biting you on the nose stays with your forever.
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