Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Excuses, excuses

AJ is the king of excuses for why he has not or will not be able to accomplish what he's been asked to do. And while mostly annoying, some of them are pretty creative.

"I can't!"
"I tried!"
"It's hard!"
"Because Natalie was distracting me!"
"The TV was distracting me!" (Even when it's off?)
"The computer was distracting me!" (Also turned off)
"Brooklin made me forget about it!"
"I was going to, but Natalie made me play with her!"
"My brain was distracting me!"
"My brain told me not to!"


PML said...

Ha ha! Those are funny. My favorite is the last one, my brain told me not to. The same thing happens to me, only the opposite. My hands and stomach tell me to not eat carmel popcorn for dinner, but my brain tells me not to. Usually my brain loses.

PML said...

Ha ha! Those are funny. My favorite is the last one, my brain told me not to. The same thing happens to me, only the opposite. My hands and stomach tell me to not eat carmel popcorn for dinner, but my brain tells me not to. Usually my brain loses.