Saturday, September 13, 2008

Kid Tag

1. What is something Mom always says to you?
Natalie: I don't know.
LeiAnn: Think about it.
Joe: Does she say, "You're a stinker" or "I love you"?
AJ: Uh..."Love you"

2. What makes Mom happy?
Natalie: Kisses
AJ: Um, I be nice

3. What makes Mom sad?
Natalie: No kisses
LeiAnn: You're right.
AJ: Uh, I hit someone.
LeiAnn: Yeah, that does make me sad.

4. How does Mom make you laugh?
Natalie: Tickles
AJ: You say, "alskjsdkj"
LeiAnn: I say what?
AJ: When you say, "What the heck; what'd you do?"

5. What was your mom like as a child?
Natalie: When your mom would say, "Tickle, tickle" and I always want her to.
LeiAnn: What things did I like when I was a little girl?
Natalie: Uh, I don't know.
LeiAnn: Do you think I liked toys when I was little?
Natalie: Yeah
LeiAnn: What kind of toys?
Natalie: Princesses!!
AJ: She likes Barbies
Andrew (my nephew): That's the same as princesses.
AJ: No it's not!
Joe: Well, some Barbies are princesses, but some Barbies are not.

6. How old is your mom?
Natalie: I don't know.
LeiAnn: How old do you think?
Natalie: 28-9-10-12
LeiAnn: That's pretty close.
AJ: 29

7. How tall is your mom?
Natalie (sitting on my lap): That tall (with her hand on my head)
AJ: Stand up
(I stood up)
AJ: See, that tall (trying to put his hand on my head and not being able to reach)

8. What is her favorite thing to do?
Natalie: I have to type it myself
LeiAnn: Okay, you type it on your pretend keyboard and tell me out loud.
Natalie: I'll tell you when I'm done
LeiAnn: Should I ask AJ while we wait?
Natalie: Yeah
AJ: everything
LeiAnn: What do you mean by everything?
AJ: She walks and everything she does
Joe: I think it's reading books. Mom really likes to read books.
LeiAnn: Natalie what do you think?
Natalie: You give me tickles!

9. What does your mom do when you're not around?
Natalie: They're driving with you at work, or go to the carnival. And you say, "Hey, where are my kids? They're gone! Everybody isn't here." And then you find them.
AJ: I don't know. They must be in your tummy?
LeiAnn: I'm not asking where the kids are. I'm asking you what I do when you're not here.
AJ: I don't know. Look for kids?

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
Natalie: A kitty
AJ: They love you (all the people in the world)

11. What is your mom really good at?
Natalie: You get your books.
AJ: Uh, at kids
LeiAnn: You mean I'm really good at taking care of kids?
AJ: nods head

12. What is your mom not very good at?
Natalie: At not doing this computer
AJ: At not stronger than boys, like big boys

13. What does your mom do for her job?
Natalie: Bring books
AJ: Uh, I don't know.
LeiAnn: Do you think it has something to do with babies?
AJ: Yeah, you pick them up and give them to their daddies and put them to bed.

14. What is your mom's favorite food?
Natalie: PastaRoni
AJ: I don't know. Why don't you tell me?

15. What makes you proud of your mom?
AJ: I love you
LeiAnn: I love you, too.
Natalie: Um, give me kisses

16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
Natalie: Um, a leotard?
LeiAnn: If I was a person in one of your movies?
Natalie: Belle (from Beauty and the Beast)
AJ: Cinderella

17. What do you and your mom do together?
Natalie: Uh tickles
AJ: Play out

18. How are you and your mom the same?
Natalie: Read books
AJ: We get the same hair

19. How are you and your mom different?
Natalie: We have these (she put on her leotard and ballet skirt while we've been talking)
AJ: I got this shirt and these pants

20. How do you know your mom loves you?
Natalie: Give me kisses and go to ballet, and now I have to go dance.
LeiAnn: Okay, go.

AJ: Uh, I don't know
LeiAnn: Do I tell you I love you?
AJ: Yeah
LeiAnn: What else do I do for you?
AJ: Not running around and hitting someone.

I'm tagging anyone with kids who hasn't done this yet. Or Andrea if she's really desperate enough to try this with Scott.


Andrea said...

Scott would probably love making up answers to this.

PML said...

Number nine was awesome.

JoLee said...

I like how Natalie says that you are going to become famous by being a kitty. That sounds quite reasonable.

PattiH05k said...

That was great! i'm going to steal this idea and use it with my kids.