Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008

We had quite the eventful Halloween this year. Joe and I really like Halloween, so we were okay with that. The first activity on our list was a Harvest dinner last week with the ward. Lots of yummy food, and I didn't have to cook...or clean up! The Elders' quorum sponsored costume party was last Saturday at the home of Travis and Sara Palmer, from our ward. I didn't get a good picture with my camera for some reason, but the Palmers sent us one of everyone together. Joe and I went as a white trash bride and groom. We even introduced ourselves as "JoeBob, Destinie, and Chastity" (the baby in my belly). We won best overall costumes! Some details you can't see in the picture include Joe's nasty fake snaggle teeth and his "Official Hooters Girl Watching T-Shirt" under the ripped suit coat. Natalie saw a new Barbie movie about a month ago and was sure she had to be a butterfly fairy princess for Halloween...with a pink dress! She was totally convinced of this until Thursday afternoon when she was watching the Disney channel and she realized that Tinkerbell has a green dress. I had to go online and create a fairy with a pink dress at to convince her to put her costume one! AJ decided to be Mr. Fantastic from the Fantastic 4 this year. I didn't have the energy to make costumes this year, but I found this one online for really cheap, and he was happy with it. Thursday, AJ got to wear his costume to school for their Halloween parade and party. And that evening was the stake Halloween carnival. The stake center was ridiculously overcrowded. There was lots of fun games and such, but I'm not sure it was worth it. There was enough chili for everyone, but definitely not enough hot dogs or dessert. The kids were really upset they didn't get a cupcake. And for the big day yesterday, the kids finished carving pumpkins and went trick or treating with their dad. I stayed home and handed out candy. I seriously had to set a chair by the door because there were so many kids! I thought I was gonna run out until my kids came home with reinforcements. Joe and I share the philosophy that our kids can't possibly eat all the candy they come home with. So we cull all the crappy candy and add it to the stuff to hand out and only save the good stuff. There's still plenty for the kids to munch on and get plenty sick off of, don't worry! On to Thanksgiving...


Remodelaholic said...

Um, just so you know, we totlaly went to Walmart today for the Halloween sale. We bought that same mullet (sp?) wig! To awesome. And justin was explaining to me how it doesn't have to just be reserved for Halloween, so I am sure we'll get some good wear out of that!

PML said...

Happy Halloween! Maybe if I had cool costumes and an imagination like you guys I would dress up and have fun.

PML said...

Please don't name your baby Isabella. I've seen two other people name their baby that recently and call her "Bella." Now that is just a little too extreme for me....

S&J Jones Family said...

How cute! Where are the pictures of you??