Sunday, November 16, 2008

Not much to report this week. I went to a breastfeeding conference in Spokane on Monday for work. It was really interesting. I learned quite a bit. The hospital I work for doesn’t have a lactation program yet. I’m really thinking about becoming a lactation consultant and starting a program, so that I can work during the day. Besides, it’s REALLY needed where I work. I had lunch with Andrea while I was at it (and my work was paying for it). Andrea says Joe and I should just move to Spokane since we’re there all the time. I’m not sure I disagree!

We made our spicy orange chicken wings at Liz and Nathan’s house last night. They were really good. Later, we realized that we accidently used the extra spicy bottle of hot sauce in them instead of the regular. It took me a whole bunch of Tums to get the heartburn under control when we got home. I wonder if anyone else had that problem.


PML said...

I didn't know you were working at nights lately. Or maybe just odd hours. I definitely agree that working during the day would be better.

Katie said...

DO IT!! I used a lactation consultant when Livi was born because she wouldn't latch on correctly. I think it's a great idea and it helped us so much! You would do a fantastic job! Keep us updated on it!

S&J Jones Family said...

That sounds like such a great opportunity for you! There are a lot of moms that need help in the beginning.

Shannon said...

That would be a great daytime job! Check out my blog for a chocolate giveaway contest!