Monday, October 20, 2008

October 12, 2008

Soccer games, dance classes, work, and the perpetual cleaning of our house pretty much sums up last week for us. AJ is really getting into soccer. He really GETS the point of the games, especially where defense is concerned. He gets really upset if the other team scores on him. And he knows how to pass the ball between players to get it away from the opposing players. It’s lots of fun. Natalie is definitely enjoying being a ballerina as well. Joe spent the whole week in Seattle on a job.

Joe’s dad had heard me say that I wanted to learn to make applesauce, so when one of his tenants offered him a bushel of apples, he took them. We spent that Friday making applesauce and apple leather. It’s really good stuff. He had all the equipment to make it really easily. Now, I just have to figure out where I’m going to store all of it. I just bought a whole bunch of food at the local case lot sale as well, so I’m really strapped for pantry space!

Conference weekend was fairly uneventful. Joe really wanted to do something exciting, but we spent a lot of our time getting the internet to work, so we could keep watching conference. We had a big long break where we weren’t sure it was going to come back on. But the talks were all wonderful, of course. We’re pretty excited for all our Kansas friends to be getting a temple so close. We know exactly how desperate it’s needed.

This Friday was Joe’s 30th birthday. I have given him so much crap over the last year about him being in his “upper upper 20s” or “just a crack away from 30” that I decided to lay off it now that he’s actually out of his 20s. I’ll tease him about it later. He got a new iPhone for his birthday. It can do more things than he knows what to do with, but it’s really cool!!

We went to Spokane yesterday to play with Andrea and Scott and do some shopping. Joe and Scott took the kids to an arcade/bumper car place where they had all kinds of fun. Andrea and I were horrible influences on each other and bought everything we liked in every store we went to. Okay, really we didn’t. I had lots of fun. I hope she didn’t get too frustrated shopping for my kids. I found some really good things. I miss living close to real stores.

Sorry no pictures. Our camera battery is dead, and we can't find the charger!

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