Saturday, May 22, 2010

Another $70 down the drain

Natalie did a great job on her dance. The production was Balanchine's "Jewels". Natalie was a Ruby and looked absolutely adorable. She really loves ballet and is getting better about remembering the steps. Plus, she gets to wear stage make-up, which is just about more happiness than she can stand (yes, we're beyond terrified of her teen years). During the first performance, she got frustrated because the girl next to her wasn't standing on her mark. So she stopped in the middle to point this out to her. It was so funny.

I had to laugh. Another little girl joined Natalie's dance group this spring. Her mom and I were talking the other day about the cost of dance. Natalie's costume for her spring recital was $70, and she gets to wear it all of twice. She was talking about how she wouldn't let her daughter touch it after the recital because it cost so much. And I said something like, "Well, whether she plays with it or it sits on the hanger until it doesn't fit any more, the money is already gone. She might as well enjoy it!"

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I think that's a really good attitude. My prom dress went straight into my little sister's dress up box after I was done. She got way more use out of it as a "princess dress" then I did!

Thanks for all the updates on your cute family.